Wide array of solutions

from just one provider:

trouble-free IT

Since 30 years

Public Cloud - Microsoft Azure

We'll get you into the cloud with confidence.

As businesses of all sizes embrace digital transformation, traditional, on-premises IT is increasingly seen as a costly and limiting burden.

This is creating pressure to reduce or even eliminate on-premises IT by moving existing applications and services entirely to the cloud or partially to hybrid infrastructures.

The mission-critical nature of many applications means that any change - especially one as fundamental and far-reaching as cloud migration - is a business risk. The migration must be as seamless and secure as possible, as it is extremely technically demanding and requires skills and experience that are sometimes lacking in traditional IT departments.

We are happy to put our experts and know-how at your disposal to support you on your cloud migration journey.


More security and agility

For a year now, Microsoft has also been represented in Switzerland with its own data centres. One each is located in Zurich and Geneva, from where the Azure platform is made available to Swiss customers in addition to Office 365 applications.

Gain scalability, agility, availability and security by migrating to the Microsoft Cloud.

Thanks to our ISO 27001 certification, we are able to provide all IT services in compliance with the relevant security specifications. Together with cloud services, which are also ISO 27001 certified, you have an unbeatable team that ensures security throughout.

As a certified Microsoft partner, we offer you a wide range of services. New also the possibility to support you in migrating to the cloud or building a hybrid IT architecture.

Our cloud architects have already optimally transformed a wide variety of environments and requirements. This in turn enables you to derive the greatest benefit from a complete cloud or hybrid solution.


Migration process

Every migration project goes through the following 3 steps:


In the analysis phase, we use software tools and draw on best practices and experience to find out which applications can be migrated and how, what their current configurations are and which people within the client organisation would be affected by the migration. The outcome of the analysis is captured in the form of a comprehensive migration plan that defines how the infrastructure is to be handled and what the expectations are in terms of availability and functionality.


In the migration phase, the recommendations of the migration plan are implemented in the following steps:

  • We set up your Azure subscriptions prior to migration using best practices in security, connectivity, policy and overall governance to ensure they are used properly from the start.
  • With the appropriate migration approach previously determined through an assessment, the existing infrastructure is migrated accordingly. Possible migration methods are "Lift and Shift" in which the migration is carried out on the basis of IaaS virtual machines. Or a complete conversion of the applications to PaaS services and more.
  • Then evaluate and test to ensure that the application meets all the criteria listed in the migration plan.


The optimisation phase usually includes the following tasks:

  • Review Azure cost management to track spend and identify potential cost savings.
  • Evaluate the migrated infrastructure for opportunities to adjust sizing, if necessary, against provisioned virtual machines and services.
  • Implement automations to resize or stop resources based on a usage plan.

Your benefit:

With Microsoft Azure you benefit from numerous advantages:

Identity and access: Azure provides enterprise-grade cloud identity management that lets you manage access, protect endpoints and identify potential threats.

Network security: Isolate your Azure-virtual devices and data, protecting them from unwanted traffic and users. Securely connect to the on-premise data centre or individual computers with the Azure-virtual network.

Data protection: Microsoft places great emphasis on data protection. Technological safeguards such as encryption ensure that your data always remains in your possession, and operational processes for data destruction protect it from access.

Data security; you determine where your data is and who can access it. We support you in implementing the general security measures correctly.

Threat protection; protection against known and emerging threats requires constant vigilance - numerous protective measures are available for this purpose. Continuous monitoring and analysis of data traffic help to identify anomalies and threats in good time.

After the migration, we are of course at your disposal with our professional and secure IT services to optimally look after your cloud or hybrid infrastructure.

Please do not hesitate to contact us for further information. You can reach us directly at 061 467 99 33. Of course, we are also happy to receive your enquiry by e-mail at csf@csf.ch.
